Equitable healthcare promotes development of healthy society and precedes transition to a sustained development which we owe to our future generation


To generate knowledge that catalyses’ public health research and policy to save lives in marginalized countries, with concurrent development of manpower


Even a single lamp dispels the deepest darkness

Improving health and saving lives

Currently most of these are focused on attainment of the Sustainable Developmental Goals 2030, adapted by the World Health Assembly. These focus on reduction in Maternal, Neonatal & Child Mortality, reduction in malnutrition, adverse pregnancy outcomes and better child development.

Evidence based scientific and social research

The specific objectives of the research focus on causality and risk factors (Discovery) of these adverse health outcomes. Looking at Geonomic, proteomic and metabolomics markers, identifying causal pathways based on newer tools provided by RNA expression evaluations, artificial intelligence techniques for image analysis.

Advancement and dissemination of knowledge

Using this knowledge to develop preventive, promotive and curative strategies. Test these strategies for efficacy and effectiveness in community based intervention trials. Develop tools for primary healthcare Providers.

For scientists, policy makers and governments

Given the mandate of CPHK our research is focused on public health policy priorities and therefore can change from year to year dependent on the priorities identified by National (Govt. of India, NHRM, Aayushman Bharat, ICMR, DBT), international (WHO) and bilateral donors (Gates Foundation, NIH, MRC, Wellcome Trust)

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“Vasudev Kutumbhakam”